Vivienne Stallwood Menopause Coach Thunder Bay


Menopause Coaching & Nutrition


Hi There, I'm Vivienne,

I'm not just a certified nutritionist, but a 53-year-old Menopause Coach who's living the perimenopause journey.

Hot flashes, joint pain, weight gain, anxiety, mood swings. Trust me, I’ve been there.

My own experiences with perimenopause fuels my passion for helping women who feel they've 'tried everything'.

My approach? It's not just what to eat; it's learning your body’s new language.

I'm not just a nutritionist,

but a 53-year-old Certified Menopause Coach who's living the perimenopause journey.

Hot flashes, joint pain, weight gain, anxiety, mood swings.

Trust me, I’ve been there.

My own experiences with perimenopause fuels my passion for helping women who feel they've 'tried everything'.

My approach? It's not just what to eat;

it's learning your body’s new language.

Navigating perimenopause isn’t just

about 'getting through it.'

It's about thriving and

understanding your body like never before.

Navigating perimenopause isn’t just about 'getting through it.'

It's about thriving, feeling empowered, and understanding your body like never before.

So, if you're looking for someone who gets it—REALLY gets it—look no further.

So, if you're looking for someone who

gets it—REALLY gets it—look no further.

Get To Know Me...

Favourite weekend activity

Spending time with my husband and kids at our little place by the lake.

Current chapter of my life

50's & Fabulous

My go-to beverage

Coffee! Or, if it’s the weekend, a glass of really good wine

where i


Born & raised in the UK, I now live and call Canada my home. I'm honoured to hold dual citizenship.

Things I enjoy

Cooking & developing recipes

Dog walks with my golden retrievers

Travelling & exploring new cultures


"If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough." -Oprah Winfrey

Get To Know Me...

Favourite weekend activity

Spending time with my husband & kids at our little place by the lake

Current chapter of my life

50's & Fabulous

My go-to beverage

Coffee! Or, if it’s the weekend, a glass of really good wine.

Where i live

Born and raised in the UK, I now live and call Canada my home, and, I'm honoured to hold dual citizenship.

Things I enjoy

Cooking & developing new recipes

Dog walks with my golden retrievers

Travelling & exploring new cultures


"If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough." -Oprah Winfrey


How it all started

With over 20 years of expertise in healthcare as a Registered Nurse and Midwife, along with a BSc (Hons), I've been dedicated to guiding women through their unique health and nutrition journeys across various life stages.

I always thought I'd sail smoothly through perimenopause, escaping the symptoms I'd heard so many women talk about.

But when I turned 50, everything changed.

I was hit with joint pain - a symptom I'd never known before, crippling anxiety & I felt like a stranger in my own body.

I felt isolated and alone, looking for answers.


How it all started

With over 20 years of expertise in healthcare as a Registered Nurse and Midwife, along with a BSc (Hons), I've been dedicated to guiding women through their unique health and nutrition journeys across various life stages.

I always thought I'd sail smoothly through perimenopause, escaping the symptoms I'd heard so many women talk about.

But when I turned 50, everything changed.

I was hit with joint pain - a symptom I'd never known before, crippling anxiety & I felt like a stranger in my own body.

I felt isolated and alone, looking for answers.

And that's where my story takes a turn...

I immersed myself in research about menopause, dedicating many hours to sorting through conflicting advice.

Driven by my own experiences, I pursued further education to become a Certified Menopause Coach.

Now, equipped with both personal understanding and professional training, I am dedicated to helping other women navigate their way through midlife.


Understand the reasons behind the changes in your body and why

previous strategies may not be helping...


"Why am I gaining weight during menopause?"

I understand firsthand how eating needs have to change during perimenopause. We are worth so much more than the oversimplified notion of "calories in versus calories out".

It's more complicated now!

"Why do perimenopause symptoms come and go?"

Now, more than ever it's essential to recognise your individual needs with diet, stress, sleep & exercise to help with perimenopause & menopause symptoms.

"Are menopause supplements safe?"

NO, they are NOT always safe. I'll give you the truth behind supplements. You'll stop wasting money on products that promise weight loss and symptom relief but do NOT deliver.

"What supplements can I take for perimenopause?"

The supplement industry is NOT regulated and these "magic" supplements are often targeted at us. I'll share which supplements are actually safe (especially if you're on prescribed medication) and help with perimenopause.

"Why do perimenopause symptoms come and go?"

Get a clear explanation of how hormone changes in perimenopause cause your symptoms to shift.

"what to ask & how to talk to my doctor about menopause."

Furthermore, I'll help you to engage in informed conversations with healthcare providers.

And that's where my story takes a turn...

I immersed myself in research about menopause, dedicating many hours to sorting through conflicting advice.

Driven by my own experiences, I pursued further education to become a

Certified Menopause Coach.

Now, equipped with both personal understanding and professional training, I am dedicated to helping other women navigate their way through midlife.


Understand the reasons behind the changes in your body and why previous strategies may not be helping...


"Why am I gaining weight during menopause?"

I understand firsthand how eating needs have to change during perimenopause. We are worth so much more than the oversimplified notion of "calories in versus calories out".

It's more complicated now!

"Why do perimenopause symptoms come and go?"

Now, more than ever it's essential to recognise your individual needs with diet, stress, sleep & exercise to help with perimenopause & menopause symptoms.

"Are menopause supplements safe?"

NO, they are NOT always safe. I'll give you the truth behind supplements.

You'll stop wasting money on products that promise weight loss and symptom relief but do NOT deliver.

"What supplements can I take for perimenopause?"

The supplement industry is NOT regulated and these "magic" supplements are often targeted at us. I'll share which supplements are actually safe (especially if you're on prescribed medication) and help with perimenopause.

"Why do perimenopause symptoms come and go?"

Get a clear explanation of

how hormone changes in perimenopause cause your symptoms

to shift.

"What to ask & how to talk to my doctor about menopause."

Furthermore, I'll help you to engage in

informed conversations with healthcare providers.

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